Evandro Luiz Klein (CPRM)

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PQ CNPq Scholarship: Level 2D

Curriculum Lattes

Grupo de Investigación

Evandro Luiz Klein has a degree in Geology from UNISINOS (1984), a Master's degree in Geosciences from UFRGS (1999) and a doctorate in Geology and Geochemistry from Federal University of Pará and Université Jean Monnet (2004). He has been a member of the CPRM-Geological Service of Brazil since 1994, where he is a member of the Board of Geology and Mineral Resources, and a lecturer in the Graduate Program in Geology and Geochemistry of the Federal University of Pará since 2007. He works in the areas of economic geology, basic geological mapping and crustal evolution on pre-Cambrian terrain. Emphasis is given to field geology, isotope geology, geochemistry and fluid studies. He directs master's and doctoral degrees. He has worked in the São Luís Cráton, Gurupi Belt, Tapajós Aurífera Province, SE of the Guiana Shield and Troia Massif. Leader of the Group of Research in Economic Geology of UFPA.


Laurent Polidori

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Curriculum Lattes

Laurent Polidori completed a master's degree in physics (1987), a doctorate in geosciences (1991) and a degree in conducting research (equivalent to free teaching, 2001) by the University of Paris. He has experience in remote sensing and photogrammetry, with applications in geosciences, environmental sciences and foundations etc. He was a researcher in the space industry (Aérospatiale, Cannes, France, 1991-1999) and environmental research at IRD (Cayenne, French Guiana, 1999-2006). He was a full professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Paris, France, 2007-2015), director of ESGT (teaching and research institution in cartography and surveying). Today he is a full professor at the CNRS and director of CESBIO (Center for the Study of the Biosphere from Space ,Toulouse, France). He was the coordinator of the Franco-Brazilian network ECOLAB (2004-2006) and president of the French society of photogrammetry and remote sensing (2008-2014). It has had partnerships with several institutions in Brazil: UFRA (Belém), IEPA (Macapa), UNESP (Presidente Prudente), UFPE (Recife), UFPR (Curitiba), INPE (S.José dos Campos). Today he is a collaborating professor at UFPA (Belém).



Orangel Antonio Aguilera Socorro (UFF)

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PQ CNPq Scholarship: Level 2

Curriculum Lattes

Grupo de Investigación

He holds a degree in Oceanography from the Federal University of Rio Grande (1979) in Brazil, a Master's degree in Marine Biology from the Oceanographic Institute of the University of Oriente in Venezuela (1982) and a Doctorate in Zoology from the Institute of Tropical Zoology of the Central University of Venezuela (1994). He is a retired Professor at the National Experimental University Francisco de Miranda (2008). He is a Full Professor at the Federal Fluminense University in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Productivity Fellow Researcher CNPq PQ-2 (2018-2021). Associate Researcher at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) period 2000-2010, Visiting Researcher CNPq – Museum Emilio Goeldi in the Coordination of Earth Sciences and Ecology period 2011-2012. Visiting Professor at the Fluminense Federal University, Institute of Biology, Graduation in Marine Biology, period 2012-2016. Professor of the Graduate Program in Geology and Geochemistry, Federal University of Pará, period 2016-present. He has experience in Biology, Marine Paleontology and Paleoceanography, with emphasis on Ichthyology and Paleoecology. Other sub-areas of geochemical context are: isotopes, multielementary chemistry, Dr-X, nano and micro CT, radiocronology. Administrative and academic experience in curricular organization and formation of research groups. His complementary work is oriented in the scientific divulgence by printed means, digital, tv, radio and expositions in museums.